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Sunday, December 8th, 2024

May 2015 Activities - Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend Events
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Time took a break for us over May 22-23, 2015 weekend. Our volunteers retreated to Arlington National Cemetery for the traditional celebration of the lives of the fallen.  For many, the graves in Area 60 signify the intention of the National Cemetery program "to find a final resting place for those who fell on battlefield at home and around the globe”.

More than 14 volunteers showed up in area 6-0 and met by some 60 of our friends from Boston’s Marine Veteran Groups to pay respect to their fallen comrades from various Marine Infantry Regiments ad supporting units. The largest group from the 5th Marine Infantry Regiment out of San Diego, California; they had deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Among those invited were the “Gold Star Mothers” of the fallen. Some dozen Gold Star Mothers from the area attended the graveside prayers and later retired to Alexandria for a luncheon at a local Irish Tavern. PEP honored the Gold Star Mothers by paying their luncheon tabs. It was a very emotional time for all and we hope to repeat the event in September at the Gold Star Mothers Annual service in ANC.



Click here for more activity in May 2015 - Kentucky Derby Fest

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