Project Enduring Pride was started in 2005 by a combat disabled military veteran upon seeing the dynamics of being a patient in the military healthcare system. While working with the Morale, Welfare, and Recreational staff it was learned of the Federal Regulations limitation and budgetary constraints that that truly held by many good Federal civilian employees from reaching beyond stated goals. PEP was founded to do events where the WW had a challenge outreach experience; later evolving into more of a PTSD intervention mechanism developed and support by the professional healthcare staffs.
Today, PEP is in the final stages of moving into seven military and V.A. centers to provide services to the wounded warrior population. PEP is a not-for profit activity fewer than 501 (C) 3 as defined by the Commonwealth of Virginia tax Code and the Federal IRS standards. PEP is staffed by volunteers with no paid members, less reimbursement for substantiated mission support expenses.
Project Enduring Pride (PEP) Mission Statement
Our Mission: Founded in 2006 with the staff of then, Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC, the adopted mission of Project Enduring Pride © is to assist in developing an outreach program beyond the boundaries of the Federal campus by providing a regional community support umbrella of activities and events which are organized to help plan, coordinate, arrange, and conduct recreational and educational support to a wide diverse set of seriously wounded service member who are out-patients at military hospitals and V.A. healthcare facilities. These events include sports, recreational, developmental, career counseling, and Benefit counseling. The goal for the Project is to focus on creating appropriate world class level events that provide “outreach capabilities” to assist the seriously wounded in gaining confidence, independence, and courage to return to the civilian community as productive members of that local society.
Our Vision for Success
To continue to evolve and develop a national recognizable and supported program among all PEP designated campus’s and satellite activities that permits and expands PEP’s community Outreach capabilities and support services programs to all Wounded Warriors.
Our Core Values

PEP staff is taught to place belief in the recovery of the Wounded Warrior before all else in the performance of our mission. Our motto for all Wounded Warriors is, “Still Undefeated”. At PEP we are to promote WW self-awareness and sustainability in most aspects of the warrior’s life:
- Coach the warrior to practice courage in the recovery process and challenge themselves to new limits.
- Provide the tools for self-awareness and independence.
- Work with each WW to provide for employment opportunities through internships and give them the skills necessary to be success.
- Beyond the warrior, PEP staff work with the families to encourage them and help them to accept the new role they have with the WW.
Our Campus Program

We seek innovative means to help the WW bridge the needs and qualification necessary to become economically successful in our modern society. We work with the family members to empower them to become true champion of the WW and give them the sustainment skills necessary for economic achievement. During the last decade of PEP beginning we have found far more WW coming back from the battlefield with physical injuries however, also suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD.
We work with the Professional Hospital staff to gain a better understanding of the intervention skill need to help the WW attain independence and community success.
While the staff of PEP may not be true healthcare professionals, however, several are professionals which form the basis for helping other volunteer members to gain sensitivity toward our clients, the wounded warriors. Our staff they can and are taught the techniques to augment the hospital staff and give additional comfort to the WW during the off duty hours, holidays, and weekends. Our staff members once they attend our engage with a wounded warrior stay the course; they do not leave or exit before the end of the task or activity.
Speaking for the Wounded and Veterans
Since being found during the early days of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, members of Project Enduring Pride have been asked to participate or speak at Community, County, State and Congressional committee members on behalf the of the wounded, disabled and veteran populations. In many area of the department of Veterans Affairs and DOD medical commands, PEP has spoken and is known to be an advocate group for those they work and represent. Much of the Service Disabled, Veteran Owned Business Small Business legislation and contract award priorities are due to its efforts to add a meaning voice to the proposed legislation. Perhaps, PEP is responsible for more Federal and State legislation being approved for U.S. and State Legal Code than any number of other organizations.
“We truly represent our advocacy group.”