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Thursday, January 16th, 2025

August 2011 Event - Baltimore Fireboat & BBQ

Baltimore Fireboat Event

With fast winds filling the day, the final Boat cruise for Walter Reed’s Wounded Warriors took to the Inner Harbor of Baltimore with the Fireboat Crew of the city commanding the day. The City FD barbecue team stayed behind and prepared a grand spread for the some two dozen members of wounded warrior population.




The Baltimore City FD barbecue team cooked up some great hot dogs, burgers and Perdue Farms chicken. Perhaps the award for outstanding cuisine went to those that prepared the day’s event, both chefs and food servers.

Some 24 wounded warriors and family members took part in the annual event.





The FB Frazer, one of the largest the largest fireboat in the tri-state area, cruised down up to the Inner Harbor passing the USS Constellation, the last sailing ship from the U.S. Civil War among other large private yachts and Naval academy training boats. With the wounded warriors on the trip, the service members had a chance to “blast away” their anxieties and just have a great time with the firemen.

The wounded warriors traded challenge coins with the Baltimore Firefighters. They had no trouble with their coveted BC FD Fire Dep't. shirts for all wounded warriors and patches for their children.




An Enduring Pride spokesman noted, “What the BC Firefighters do for the wounded is to bring them beyond the surgical tools in the process of “total healing” and mental adjustment to the greater community”. He added, “The Baltimore City firefighters and wounded alike enjoy the day’s event. It’s what the total healing process is all about”.





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