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Thursday, January 16th, 2025

Wanted: Volunteers for the Cause!

VolunteersOur program has grown over the last five years to the point that now we need teams in Virginia and Maryland to meet with and reach our wounded warrior population. The volunteers are needed to develop and execute plans for community outreach for the Wounded Warriors. Volunteers are also needed to coordinate and staff actions with local organizations, and government sub-groups to help develop activates to entertain and allow the WW members and families to have fun.

A list of the annual activities, while still in development, is part of our website. The activities list is frequently updated, and volunteers will be able to add to it throughout the year.

Areas where we could use assistance:

  • PEP Representatives
  • Planners
  • Activity Managers
  • Fund Raisers (Six as we start a new section to help us)
  • Journalists
  • Photographers
  • V.A. benefits Counselors
Come join as a volunteer
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