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Thursday, January 16th, 2025

Wounded Warrior Internship for Planning and Management

Begun in 2010 and derived from Project Enduring Pride, a nonprofit organization which is dedicated to helping our nation’s wounded warriors adjust and return to their prior communities, Many science and patriot exhibit like tasks are being identified by Task, Condition, and Standards for use in a laboratory environment for a very comprehensive internship program which works with Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda and Fort Belvoir’s community hospital, Alexandria, VA. The internship program has been set up as a sub-element organization to PEP.

The internship program was set up to:

  1. Focus the Wounded Warriors (WW) on something outside their general regular medical appointment and therapeutic tasks.

  2. As many WW are in the hospital setting for more than 12 months (normally 14 to 18 months), the internship program will create a means for them to earn undergraduate and graduate college credit with accredited schools and universities.

  3. Using a graduated scale of tasks, have the WW complete six credit hours of classroom environment school and then embark upon selected practicum tasks; both at undergraduate & graduate levels. There is no limit to the number of credits that the WW may earn while in the internship program; because we are looking to use four year college institution that are accredited by many leading colleges and universities.

  4. Have the WW introduced to management & staff techniques and the basics of creating a briefing for a business environment.

  5. As WW mature in the general area of Planning & Management skill sets the bar is set higher and longer for their achieving of the warrior’s “business success”.

  6. Have the program funded from multiple sources, where possible, outside the scope of Federal controls allowing the community to select the necessary disabled business processes best suited for this program.

  7. Achieve the internship results through a dedicated staff and locally based colleges and universities. Those initially invited to join in the internship program are:
  • University of Maryland, College Park Campus (Business Management)
  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Campus (Science Tasking)
  • The College of William & Mary in Williamsburg (Environmental Tasking)

The program is planned to administratively report to the Office of the Surgeon General (through the medical education office or Uniformed Services Health Academy in Bethesda, MD) on its progress and achievements.

Following a series of local task accomplishments, the WW will be selected to form core teams to undertake the expansive requirements of working with major tasks submitted to the administrative staff for tasking out for solution. The internship staff has been working with many outside agents for proposed assignments, each undergoing serious evaluation.

The current manning tables for the internship program, with multiple tasks running at the same time will permit the forming of activities that will employee an estimated 25 full time personnel and infrastructure development with 24 WW in the actual curriculum program with estimated costs to exceed $14.3 Million.

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