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Thursday, January 16th, 2025

Izaak Walton Range Day

Izaak Walton Chapter of Fairfax and Arlington invited the wounded warrior and amputees to visit tits range in Centreville, Virginia on October, 17 2013. Some 18 people showed up to fire various long rifles and pistols that many had only read about. The model 1863 Springfield Civil War replica was in constant demand as was the M-14 from the Vietnam War days.

Said one of the WW, "We trained on weapons and we enjoy the opportunity to get off the hospital ground and fire the weapons, I feel relaxed after I am through a round or two.” Many commented on the care and effort the members of Izaak Walton spent in preparing the venue for the wounded. The next event at NRA will be in February 2014 in Fairfax.


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